note! Don't easily modify your website title

Optimization after the completion of the website construction is a very patient process. For a person, the first impression is important. The search is also the same. Once your station is included by her, don't change the title easily, otherwise she will lose trust!


Don't modify your website title easily during website construction

If your station has not been updated, your snapshot update will be very slow. In this case, if you change the title, you will not see the effect in a short time. When the snapshot is updated, even if you modify the title. In line with SEO, your ranking will also drop.

For the title of a website, it is the business card of this website. Through this business card, you will know what the website is doing, what services it can provide, and what type of problem solving is needed. Therefore, we will keep the business card for a long time and maintain our business introduction for a long time.

For the title of the website, including the title of the homepage of the website and the title of the inside page, this is a business card that can be modified. Because the website belongs to oneself, it cannot be turned over like a business card. It is because of the operation itself that there will be a change in the title of the website.

Generally, the title is modified, that is, it feels that the title is not good, or it does not reflect the content words that the website wants to do, or it feels that the title does not conform to the website construction content, so it has been modified.

Some friends went to Baidu to check if an article on their website was not included, and boldly modified the title and even the content. As everyone knows, the article on the website has not been released, and does not mean that it has not been included in Baidu. Once the title and content have been modified, Baidu will extend the test period for this site. For a long time, the snapshot update will not be seen and no new articles will be included.

Nothing to change the website title and keywords, the search engine ranks the website, the information displayed is the title of the website, so you can't change it.

Some new sites are more serious, that is, one or two months, three or five months. I have noticed that once the core title of the website or the title of the article is modified, the website will basically not change.

Therefore, in view of Baidu's basis for the evaluation of website quality, carefully modify the website title and carefully modify the title and content of the website article. Once you decide to adjust your website layout, you need to change your own unsatisfactory title. You must conduct a full investigation to ensure that the one-time modification is successful and avoid multiple modifications, thus affecting the seo effect.